
Download free eBook:"I Just Want to Pee Alone" [PDF] [EPUB]


Motherhood is the toughest – and funniest – job you'll ever love. Raising kids is hard work. The pay sucks, your boss is a tyrant, and the working conditions are pitiful – you can't even take a bathroom break without being interrupted with another outrageous demand.

Hasn't every mother said it before? “I just want to pee alone!”
I Just Want to Pee Alone is a collection of hilarious essays from 37 of the most kick ass mom bloggers on the web.

Including: People I Want to Punch in the Throat, Insane in the Mom-Brain, The Divine Secrets of a Domestic Diva, Baby Sideburns, and Rants From Mommyland.

Read hysterical essays like:

Embarrassment, Thy Name is Motherhood

A Pinterest-Perfect Mom, I am Not

And Then There was that Time a Priest Called Me a Terrible Mother

So She Thought She Could Cut Off My Stroller